Thursday 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th March 10am to 12.30pm
Over four weeks try out a Solar plate etching, Mono print, Drypoint and a Screen print. Using small images or pre-prepared images. Each week will be an introduction to a printmaking process. It is a great way to learn a little bit about printmaking. Solar plate etching involves using a light sensitive coated plate and either a drawn positive image or an object placed onto the plate and exposed to the sun. When washed out the plate prints the same as an etching. Mono printing involves rolling up a surface with ink and drawing directly into the ink to remove it, paper is place over the top and rubbed down to get a one off print. Drypoint is scratching directly into a recycled milk bottle plate, applying ink and printing through an etching press. Screen printing invoves a screen with a fine mesh attached and laying a stencil onto the screen that will allow ink to pass through parts of the cut out stencil and block other areas.
Cost: $240.00 for 4 weeks or $70 per class if space available