Printmaking Taster
10:00 AM10:00

Printmaking Taster

Thursday 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th March 10am to 12.30pm

Over four weeks try out a Solar plate etching, Mono print, Drypoint and a Screen print. Using small images or pre-prepared images. Each week will be an introduction to a printmaking process. It is a great way to learn a little bit about printmaking. Solar plate etching involves using a light sensitive coated plate and either a drawn positive image or an object placed onto the plate and exposed to the sun. When washed out the plate prints the same as an etching. Mono printing involves rolling up a surface with ink and drawing directly into the ink to remove it, paper is place over the top and rubbed down to get a one off print. Drypoint is scratching directly into a recycled milk bottle plate, applying ink and printing through an etching press. Screen printing invoves a screen with a fine mesh attached and laying a stencil onto the screen that will allow ink to pass through parts of the cut out stencil and block other areas.

Cost: $240.00 for 4 weeks or $70 per class if space available

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Lino Cut - Print your own cards
10:00 AM10:00

Lino Cut - Print your own cards

Saturday 22nd March 10am to 4pm - Suitable for beginners

Lino Cutting is a relief printing process. Carve into a lino block with specialist carving tools to create an image that can be inked up and printed onto paper cards

This one day workshop will cover different types of lino, tools, how to cut, inking up with a roller and printing with a bamboo baren, a book press and a flat bed relief press. You will get to take home at least three printed cards of your One colour lino cut image.

All materials including Lino, cards and inks are supplied. Tools are available for use or bring your own. A yummy morning tea from the CWA shop is included.

Small Group - 6 people.

Cost: $120.

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Introduction to Oil Painting Workshop
9:00 AM09:00

Introduction to Oil Painting Workshop

Introduction to Oil Painting Workshop

Sunday 23 March, 9am to 1pm

Tutor: Averill Lawler @averilllawlerart

In this workshop we will cover the basics of oil painting including colour mixing, working with a limited palette, types of brushes, supports and painting techniques. You will have the chance to learn as you produce a still life study in oil paints.

This workshop is perfect for beginners and those who would like to learn more about the beautiful vibrant medium of oil paint.

$120 includes all art materials, tuition, oil painting notes and morning tea.

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Treasures from the Sea: A Painting Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Treasures from the Sea: A Painting Workshop

Saturday 5 April 2025, 10am to 12.30pm

With Averill Lawler @averilllawlwerart

In this workshop we will draw our inspiration from treasures from the sea. From the undulating sculptural forms of seaweeds, to the curved beauty of molluscs and pale parched twists of driftwood. This is a workshop for beach combers and sea lovers! You might be a beginner or an artist who would like to carve out some time for your own creativity.  We use ink and gouache paints to create a beautiful work on paper.

Cost: $80 per person

Includes all art materials, tuition and morning tea.

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Japanese Stab Bindings for Journals
10:00 AM10:00

Japanese Stab Bindings for Journals

Saturday 3rd May, 10am to 3pm.

Japanese Stab Bindings are an elegant and practical method of binding pages together for making Journals to draw or write in. Learn at least three different methods of sewing the binding that are quick and uncomplicated.

This is a good introduction to bookbinding and great for beginners.

Bring some prints/drawings or favourite material to make your own covers all the internal paper will be supplied.

Cost: $120 - includes internal papers, swing materials and small selection of cover materials.

Maximum 6 students

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Direct Stencil to Screen - Screen printing
10:00 AM10:00

Direct Stencil to Screen - Screen printing

Saturday 22nd February, 10am to 4pm

Learn about painting a design directly onto the screen with a brush that will become the stencil to print with.

This is a great method to use anywhere. No darkroom needed. Suitable for beginners and often liked by painters new to screen printing. We will print with one colour and you can print onto paper or fabric.

Small group - 6 participants

Cost: $120 includes use of screen, inks, squeegee. paper or small piece of fabric.

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Wednesday Open Sessions in March
11:00 AM11:00

Wednesday Open Sessions in March

Wednesdays 11am. to 3 pm. 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th.

Open Print Sessions are for print makers to come and work on their own project, without the need for teaching. Limited technical assistance is on hand to give printmaking advice and set the press up. Bring your own ink, paper, lino/plates or images to make a screen.

Non members $20 - Members $10, per session

Limited places per session - please check with John to ensure a space is available

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Wednesday Open Sessions in March
11:00 AM11:00

Wednesday Open Sessions in March

Wednesdays 11am. to 3 pm. 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th.

Open Print Sessions are for print makers to come and work on their own project, without the need for teaching. Limited technical assistance is on hand to give printmaking advice and set the press up. Bring your own ink, paper, lino/plates or images to make a screen.

Non members $20 - Members $10, per session

Limited places per session - please check with John to ensure a space is available

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Learn Printmaking - Non Toxic Intaglio
to Sep 3

Learn Printmaking - Non Toxic Intaglio

  • Moving Creature Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Tuesdays 10.00am to 12.30pm. 30th July, 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th August and 3rd September

Learn Printmaking - Six weeks of learning about printing with Dry point and Collagraphs.

During these classes we will cover Dry point - Scratching an image directly into a plate using both plastic and metal plates. Learn about the use of different tools, plates and inks. Collagraph - using cardboard plates we will scratch and tear into the surface of the cardboard plates that we prepare together. On other plates we will add material to create an image.

The classes are divided into two methods using an intaglio process, both are non toxic (no acid). To get the most out of these classes it will be best to do the whole 6 weeks and if unable to do that, discuss with John about doing three consecutive weeks to learn about at least one of the printmaking methods.

For a weekly outline of what will be covered contact John

These Classes have finished for 2024 - Get in touch if you want to find out about more classes in 2025

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Mokulito - Wood Lithography
to Aug 3

Mokulito - Wood Lithography

  • Moving Creature Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Held over two mornings - Saturday 27th July and Saturday 3rd August. 10am to 1pm

Mokulito is a form of lithography using plywood panels (plate) for creating the matrix. Oil based drawing materials are applied to the plate and the plate is then covered in Gum Arabic. After being left to dry it is washed off, inked up and printed on an etching press. The result looks like a lithographic print often with a wood grain showing through. Because wood is an organic substance, the image changes slightly each time the plate is printed, meaning that editions are small and variable. The advantage of using wood as the printing matrix is the possibility of combining mokulito with woodcut to produce contrasting sharp lines.

Cathryn McCarthy Ross has studied and practiced Mokulito in both Canada and Tasmania.

The workshop will happen over two morning sessions. The first Saturday 27th July and the second on Saturday 3rd August. The first part will be a demonstration of the process with opportunity to test out some materials before drawing up a plate yourself and coating it with the Gum Arabic. The plates are left to cure ready for the following week on the Saturday when we will be printing.

Class size limited to 6 participants.

This Workshop has finished. Get in touch if you would like to see it again in 2025

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Introduction to Lithography - Tusche
to Jul 6

Introduction to Lithography - Tusche

  • Moving Creature Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Saturdays 22nd June and 6th July, 10 am to 1pm then a printing time to be negotiated

Introduction to Lithography - Tusche.

Lithography is a great printmaking medium for those who love to draw. Learn about drawing/painting with Lithographic Tusche ink. It is a greasy ink that when placed in a puddle of water will leave tide lines (reticulation) on the stone . The stone is then processed and left to sit for a while. Then we will print using our beautiful old hand cranked Litho Press, rolling ink on with leather rollers and sponging down the stone between each application of ink. The first session will cover Tusche variations and applying it to a stone and then letting it dry. The second session will cover the processing of the stone ready for printing. Printing time will be negotiated.

Note: this process will use a very small amount of acid, white spirits and bitumen. Please consider this if you have sensitivities towards chemical odours.

All materials for preparation, drawing and printing will be supplied.
It is recommended that you bring a pair of rubber gloves and apron or shirt that can get inky.

This Workshop has finished - please get in touch if you would like to be part of a future Lithography workshop.

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Learn Printmaking - Term Two - Relief Printing
to Jun 18

Learn Printmaking - Term Two - Relief Printing

  • Moving Creature Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Six Tuesday mornings 10am to 12.30pm on Tuesday 14th, 21st, 28th May, 4th, 11th and 18th June

Lino Cut, Woodblock and Rubber stamps are all relief printmaking techniques that you can learn during the six weeks. We will cover transferring an image to the block, care and selection of different tools. Print with a Baren, Book press and Flatbed relief printing press. These classes are suitable for beginners and for those who have some experience and would like to reinforce the skills that they already have. By the end of the six classes you will have a print of each technique and ability to work either at home or in the studio.

For a full timetable contact John.

These classes have finished for 2024. They will happen again in 2025. Get in Touch if you would like to join us.

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Screen Printing - Print a T Shirt in a day
10:00 AM10:00

Screen Printing - Print a T Shirt in a day

Saturday 6th April. 10am to 4pm

In one day learn how to apply light sensitive emulsion to a screen, expose the screen using a positive image on our vacuum press. Then print a one colour image onto paper or fabric. This process is suitable for hand drawn positives or using a computer design or photo that has been printed out onto paper and treated to use as a positive. Suitable for beginners or those who need a refresher on this process. By the end of the day you will have either your own screen printed paper masterpiece or T Shirt that everyone will be loving.

All materials will be supplied except for the final fabric printing. BYO T-Shirt, T-Towel or bag.

This is a great workshop with a group of friends - minimum of 4 people needed

This Workshop has finished, get in touch with John if you want to see this workshop again.

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Print like Ethel and Eveline
10:00 AM10:00

Print like Ethel and Eveline

Image: Ethel Spowers, School is out, 1936

Saturday 11th November. 10 am to 4pm

Ethel Spowers and Eveline Syme were pivotal artists in the emergence of Modernism in Australia. Both studied at the Grosvenor School of Modern Art in the 1920’s, prints from this school are remarkable for the movement in the imagery. They were amongst a group of women who were trailblazers when introducing colour linocuts to Australia. A travelling exhibition of their prints has been touring around Australia during the past few years.

Using multi block colour printing this workshop will explore how Ethel and Eveline designed their images to create beautiful movement and colour. Some pre cut blocks will be used and an opportunity to cut and print your own addition to an image will help understand the process.

Suitable to those with lino cutting skills who wish to do some cutting and printing. Also suitable to beginners who wish to learn the beginnings of a complex skill. Option of a simpler task is available for beginners.

All tools, lino, ink and paper supplied for the workshop. You will get to take a print home with you.

Morning tea treat from the CWA, Tea and/or Coffee supplied. BYO Lunch or purchase from nearby shops.

This workshop has finished contact John if you would like to see it happen again in 2024

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Three mornings of printing with the sun
to Nov 14

Three mornings of printing with the sun

  • Moving Creature Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Tuesday mornings 10am to 12.30pm. Tuesday 31st October, 7th and 14th November.

Solar plate or Photopolymer plate is a very flexible method of intaglio printing. In this workshop we will cover drawing a positive, using a found object to lay on the plate and trying a photo image. The plates that we produce will be printed similar to an intaglio plate. We are going to use small plates that will be quick and easy to get a print from, with bigger plates available to try out…. if the sun doesn’t show up we will use a sun lamp.

This workshop is suitable to beginners who have no printmaking experience and those who know some printmaking and want to try something new.

This workshop has finished. Get in touch with John if you would like to learn about solar plate printing.

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Linocut - Reduction cut prints
to Jul 25

Linocut - Reduction cut prints

  • Moving Creature Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Four Weeks on Tuesday Mornings, July 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th. 10am to 12.30pm

Learn to cut a multi colour linocut print using the same block.

John will lead you through the design, preparation of the block, paper and registration system. Each week we will cut and print a different colour. At the end of the four weeks you will have a multi colour print that will astound your friends when you try to explain how it was done.

All materials supplied - Some work at home between classes is recommended.

These classes have finished look out for some new classes in 2024

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to Jun 22

Mezzotint - four sessions

  • Moving Creature Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mezzotint printmaking involves moving a tool called a ‘rocker’ across a plate in a rocking motion at least twelve times… this can take a minimum of one to two hours or a lot longer depending on the size of the plate. The rocker is creating small burrs on the plate that when finished will create a velvet black background tone. The image is then created by scraping back the burrs with a scraper and burnisher to make smooth areas which will appear as a light area. Depending on how much of the burr is scraped away influences the tonal range from dark black to white.

This method is a time consuming, physical process that holds a special place in the world of printmaking. The prints are beautiful and hard to recreate in any other method…. but there is a reason that not everyone pursues this method… it takes a lot of patience.

These sessions will cover preparing the plate edges, rocking the plate, scraping and burnishing the image and printing. We will be working with small plates for those who are new to mezzotint and for those who have tried before we can negotiate a larger plate. The images will be experimental and we will learn together and for those who get hooked, it will be the start of an addictive journey. We will also experiment with a DIY rocker that is a little bit quicker to use.

Class finished - Get in touch if you want to see a similar class in 2024

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